Saturday, July 04, 2009

Day 185 of 365

My Fourth of July was celebrated on the third with lunch with some friends, a movie with my wife and a barbecue and s'mores at my parents'. We watched a bit of the fireworks in Red Bank over the trees from the front lawn and watched TV the rest of the evening. Today, Casey and I drove home, did some work around the house, and I rode a train packed with fireworks-watchers to Hoboken. On my walk from the PATH to the office at Chelsea Market, the only sign of the holiday -- other than packs of people walking west toward the Hudson with blankets and fold-up lawn chairs -- were these flags hanging across the front of the Paris Commune restaurant on the corner of Bank and Greenwich. I was hoping to take at least one image today of some red, white and blue sign of the holiday, and one is all I got.

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