Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Egg Rock entering Frenchman Bay," Maine, May 2008

Egg Rock Lighthouse sits at the entrance to Frenchman Bay on Mt. Desert Island in Maine. The sign posted along the lookout in Acadia National Park describes it best:

Since 1875, Egg Rock Lighthouse, perched on the craggy island before you, has helped guide vessels safely into Frenchman Bay. Among the hardships lighthouse keepers faced was fierce weather. Storm waves periodically swept over the low-lying island, washing away out-buildings, flooding the keeper's quarters, breaking windows and tearing away railings and walkways. In June of 1895, the fog signal sounded for 105 continuous hours.

The U.S. Coast Guard automated the light in 1976. Today its red beacon and mournful fog signal continue to warn vessels away from the dangerous ledges of Egg Rock.

[I considered this egg shot, too.]

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