Friday, September 16, 2005

New York City sunrise, Edgewater, NJ, November 2004

Week two of my conscientious effort to participate more regularly in the Photo Friday projects. I tend to think of the spectacles of nature as divine intervention of a sort. In college at Notre Dame, my roommate Bryan and I chose to skip the all-campus welcome-back mass our junior year to rent a canoe and paddle a few miles on the St. Joseph River. You'd be surprised at how pastoral the Michiana area can be if all you know of it is Grape Road, downtown South Bend and the campus (though the latter certainly is more scenic and peaceful than, say, campuses I've visited in Boston and Austin). The majesty of a sunrise or sunset, to me, is more of a display of the divine nature of this world than a factory-made reproduction of Christ on the cross or Mary and the baby in a nativity scene.

Besides, my archives contain few -- if any -- images of those last two icons. So sunrise it is.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Washington Square Park, New York City, July 2005

I need to get back to posting here. So I offer up this one, a composite of four photos taken of the recently refurbished arch in Washington Square Park. I like the size and detail these types of images offer, not to mention the funky lines and quirky perspective that are created when using four images that don't line up.

And, for a more amusing take on something massive -- relative to what we might expect -- here are two cats...